Henley Royal Barbecue
06/07/19 12:30 - 15:30
Boat Naming ceremony
06/07/19 13:00
Captain's Row past
06/07/19 16:00
We are delighted to welcome all current and past students together with friends and family to the Imperial College Boat Club barbecue on the Saturday of Henley Royal Regatta. We'll have a plentiful supply of Pimm's, food, and drink, so that you can enjoy catching up and socialising with IC friends old and new. We hope you enjoyed our centenary dinner earlier in the year, and this event should provide a worthy follow-up.
Interested in joining us to celebrate 100 years of Imperial College Boat Club at Henley? Meet up with friends old and new on Saturday 6th July at Henley Cricket Club. All inclusive food tickets will cost £5 for students and £10 for non-students.
Thanks to the generosity of our alumni we were lucky enough to receive a new women's coxless four/quad, and a new men's carbon coxed four. During the BBQ we'll be holding a ceremony to unveil the names of these new boats. We have enjoyed a close relationship with our alumni network and hope to develop this in the next few years!
During the Saturday tea break, we've been lucky enough to be given the opportunity to do a row past. We'll have an eight filled with past IC captains throughout the years, and it should make a good watch!
Boat Tent Drinks
06/07/19 18:00 - 21:00
All you can drink. £20.